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Products -> Engine Protection System -> Diesel Purification and Conditioning System
Diesel Purification and Conditioning System

The major fuel related problems experienced by Diesel engines are:

  • Particulate contamination

  • Microbial contamination

  • Metal wear particle contamination

  • Free and dissolved water

Conventional fuel filtration systems in Diesel engines have been found ineffective in being able to counter the above contaminants, with the result that the engine runs inefficiently well below its true potential. In very severe cases of contamination, the engine breaks down due to damaged Fuel Injection System which is a very costly proposition.

Ecotech Environmental and Petromarine Engineering Pvt.Ltd. has introduced the Ecotech Diesel Purification and Conditioning System (EDPCS®) as a solution to the major problems fuel related problems faced by users of Diesel Engines. This system essentially protects the heart of the Diesel Engine (Fuel Injection System) and therefore extends its life, in addition to maintaining peak performance at all times.

Engine Protection System
  Diesel Purification and Conditioning System
Ecotech Diesel Purification and Conditioning System (EDPCS)
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